ARIES (March 21-April 19). It doesn’t harm you to be impulsive with your truth telling, though it may shock the crowd around you. It might surprise you to know that you’re speaking what others were thinking but didn’t have the nerve to say.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). To gain power within a group, or command the respect you know you deserve, you must lose your self-consciousness and all self-interest and focus on the needs and likes of others.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have the chance to create a legendary relationship. Your engaging personality helps, but it’s the way you build your love over the long term that will ultimately make the story interesting.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re after a trophy. It’s not the brass cup itself that interests you, but the sight of the other competitors. You want to know the feeling of being victorious and knowing you’re the absolute best.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Tension and disharmony may seem like negative things, but maybe they make your life more interesting and fun. If you were completely satisfied you probably wouldn’t feel the need to be so deliciously productive.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (JAN. 4). It’s as though you are being carried through the carnival of life on a parade float this year. There are parties and new friends through the winter. January infuses your love life with a sense of adventure. Your finances take a turn for the better in February and get yet another boost in June. Pisces and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 25, 4, 41, 39 and 35.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The day’s drama is pretty dull unless you're seeing the full picture. Tune in, so as not to miss what’s going on behind the scenes. Pay attention to suggestive language or tone between people who are trying to convey innocence.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Ask for a guide. You’re slightly off-course, but not so far off that you can’t get back on in a matter of days. A Capricorn or Pisces teacher is the ideal match to gently steer you back in the right direction.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You are dealing with strong personalities and these are people you definitely want to keep in your life. You have everything to gain by making the others feel in charge of things. They might just teach you all they know.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your thoughtfulness makes you a favorite friend, although lately you're afraid that if you give too much, you’ll set a precedent that will be hard to live up to. It’s always better to err on the side of generosity.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re on the lookout for the bargain of the century, and don’t forget to look in your own homestead. You have the heart of your love, and your love has yours – never was there a sweeter deal.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’re in the sights of those who have the power to give you position and wealth. It’s not what you know but your attitude that makes you sparkle. Whatever you have, you offer it all.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). At first you’re tempted to roll around with the minute details a relationships and consider all the potentials that might become of it. Then suddenly life gets simple. You’re hungry and this person has the menu.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: There is a scientific postulate that one of Neptune’s 13 moons, the one called Triton, was once a planet that, like Earth, orbited around the sun. But Neptune’s magnetism was so strong that the little planet was seduced into Neptune’s moon family, never to return. Neptune rules the fantasy world and anyone who’s ever been lost in a daydream, or an episode of spectacular television for that matter, knows how fun it can be to surrender to unreality. Now that Neptune is in the swing of his newly direct path, the astral ruler of imagination and dreams starts to sprinkle us with fresh ideas about how to bridge the gap between our fantasy life and our real life. It turns out, the difference may be as simple as changing a habit or taking a step. What seemed very far away a few weeks ago is right around the corner, once you know what to do. This is an excellent time for research, asking help from bigwigs, writing to your idols or asking those with more experience to mentor you. On another note, Mercury enters Scorpio the 4th, which is Election Day in the United States. Once they go into the booth and pull the curtain, voters will rely on intuition.
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