A sport consists of a physical and mentally competitive activity carried out with a recreational purpose for competition, for self-enjoyment, to attain excellence, for the development of a skill, or some combination of these. A sport has physical activity, side-by-side competition, self-motivation and a scoring system. The difference of purpose is what characterizes sport, combined with the notion of individual (or team) skill or prowess. Badminton is one of the sports people are addicted to nowadays.
Just recently I am into sports - badminton. It was then when my officemates invited me to play with them. At first I was so hesitant to join since I am not into sports. I'd rather choose outdoor activities like hiking, mountain climbing, fishing, and traveling. And besides, I don’t have the equipment for it, but they promised to provide it all for me. So when I got home, I opened the 80 year old, antique, creepy drawers with molds and cobwebs, winks. In it are my sports attire includes my jogging pants, shirts, shoes, headbands, and some weird stuffs, he he. It was hidden there since I stopped getting into sports when I started to work. Before, I love volleyball, cycling, soccer but not a pro just for fun and for sweat drippings. It has been years since I forgotten sports. So at that time, I was so excited. I fitted those sporting apparel of mine that age like my old-loose gartered underwear, ha ha. I let my mother washed what I chose. Then I slept, since I work at night from 10pm - 6am and the activity will be at 5pm. I woke up early at around 1:30pm, gees! Maybe because I am so excited. Then, I am ready. I looked around and go back and forth at the mirror; I looked fine (kind of conceited!). It was my first time to wear shorts and go outside home since I do have chicken legs, please don’t laugh, grrrr! I didn’t wear my jogging pants since its color faded away, not appreciative to look at and add the smell of the mothballs, yikes! My family was stunned especially my father about how I looked like. His son is into sports now and not a geek anymore. Is this the start of a new beginning? How soon is now? Anyway, I leave home with a smile, confidence, and excitement. But gawd! When I arrived at the city proper (since I live very far from the city), traffic was everywhere; it makes my fresh aura into a flower just visited by a bee - dull and gawky. I heard a lot of text messages from my cell phone, "Where are you Mr. Wayne?”, "Are you coming or not?", "We're having fun here now", "If you will not come, expect a total silent treatment from us", huhuhuhu. And that makes me pressured. So what I did I go out from the traffic and walk some miles (just kidding!). In a near distance, where traffic is not acknowledged and registered, winks, I took a taxi even though I don’t have much money. Hey, what the hell, I'm excited, right?
At last, I arrived at the Shuttle Square - it is a big sports complex with lots of court for badminton. It was my first time to get there. Without the taxi driver's mastery of the place, I can't go there by myself. The driver's name is Brad, huh! Brad Pitt? ha ha... What's worst about there is that I don’t know where to get inside...another huhuhu. I went to this corner with lots of people but knowing there not in their sports attire so this is not the entrance, oh my gawd! But I asked one person there; of course I chose the cutest among the rest, bleeeh! And knowing the place I was in is a complex for cock fighting, damn! Do I look like a rooster? hmmmm... And I was piss, lol. People stared at me, gosh, what kind of place is this. Then they told me where to get inside in the sports complex for badminton. Another worst thing, it wasn’t a clear instruction... well never mind telling you what I did, hehehe...ok, ok, ok, I just knocked to this big gate of the complex where no one answered me, damn! ha ha. I looked so stupid. When a woman approached me and asked me what I am doing (I am so embarrassed, I swear), then I rapidly told her everything, madam blah blah blah and there goes some lump in my throat, winks. Then she directed me the right entrance. So I went there and this is it because I saw my officemate very sweaty and a smile as wide as a bridge. When I got there, everything of those worst moments vanished into my mind. I hurriedly borrowed a racket and play badminton without having a warm-up or stretching. So that's another story of what happened next - the cramps, stiff neck, and muscle pain all over my body.

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