Susan Boyle is 48 years old from Lothian. She lived with her parents in a four-bedroom Council house, and when the father died ten years ago, she cared for the mother and singing in church choirs.
She was not the glamorous type. she did, the complex crime to choose a color on the edge of her skin color and a very flattering shape with a home made chopped hair, Bushy eyebrows and a face without a hint of makeup.
Susan Boyle is not a traditional trainer - her experience is limited to church and karaoke. Previously worked as a church charity worker, she is currently out of a job, lives with his cat Pebbles, and she told Britain's Got Talent, she has never been kissed.
Britain's Got Talent's Susan Boyle
Susan Boyle has a wonderful voice and a way sweet, shy and simple. She Become Star from “Britain’s Got Talent” Sings sings exclusively for AC360°. She was sang a 'I Dream A Dream' from Les Miserables. Susan Boyle’s brought the live audience to their feet and awed the judges.
The video (which can be found here) is great fun to watch, because Susan Boyle herself is very appealing, her voice is great, and because it’s always satisfying watching a high point in someone’s life.
Susan Boyle Appears On American TV , Susan Boyle gets American Offers
Susan Boyle is making a big splash across the pond and Shown on American TV today.Susan Shown via a live link on Good Morning America with Diane Sawyer and on NBC Today.
Kathie Lee Gifford broke down in tears after see the clip of her performance, I dreamed a dream about the ITV talent show.
The wonderful Susan Boyle was such a big hit on Saturday night’s Britain’s Got Talent show after this performance She has many offers of work pouring in already.
Susan Boyle shocked the nation when she ambled on stage and Belted out "I Dream a dream" from Les miserable. Simon Cowell will now offer her a record contract agreement if she wins the show or not. Patti said on CBS early show, she was brought to tears to see Susan performance on "Britain's Got Talent".
Susan Boyle Hates The Way She Looks
Britain's Got Talent Susan Boyle has show to The Mirror that she hated how she looked on Saturday night's show. Susan ask the news paper : "You say that television makes you look fat and it did"
Susan, 48 told the newspaper: "You say that television makes you look fat and it did. "I looked like a garage. It was mortifying to see and a bit of a shock. I was not aware that I could reduce people to tears, and I hope it was not because of it."
The 48-year-old singer has taken the Internet by storm, the U.S. has gone crazy. Susan will prepare us to a special performance on Thursday morning, CBS "Early Show" from her kitchen in Scotland.
Demi Moore Cries Watching Susan Boyle's Audition
Holly wood star Demi Moore has reportedly released that she cried when she watching Susan Boyle's audition on Britain's Got Talent.
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher has admitted that they were moved from Britain's Got Talent singer Susan Boyle.Above five million people have now seen Boyle's rendition of "I dreamed a dream" on YouTube.
Susan First song released
The Daily Record has identified the only CD ever made of the singing sensation Susan Boyle.
Susan made her first recording back in 1999 when she sang blues ballad "Cry me a river" for a charity CD. 1000 copies of the disc was ever produced.
Watch the video about Susan Boyle performance:
Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 - For more of the funniest videos, click here
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