Pluto had his planetary status stripped from him, but he defies us to discount his part in the astrological play. Today he takes center stage, announcing that this is the very last time we humans will see him in the realm of Sagittarius. Oh, he’ll be back for our ancestor to observe in 248 years or so. Capricorn embraces the dwarf planet.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Send your powerful thoughts out to the universe. Your mental projectors are even stronger than usual. You think the best of your friends and family and they show up more or less that way.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your even-keeled temperament is contagious. Your secret? Tolerance. You don’t require that others do things the way you would do them. The people around you are getting along because of you.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll be putting on a performance of sorts. Your workload is hefty, and so is your capacity for charm and humor. The presence of loved ones makes tedious tasks cause for laughter and fun.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You may get so involved with balancing the needs and wants of others that you forget about your appetites. It feels good to be selfless, to a point. Don’t be surprised if you reach your limit this afternoon.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You maintain a fantastic mood so long as you are independent and free. Being able to come and go as you please will be important to you. Wherever possible, be in charge of your own transportation.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (DEC. 3). Your sense of justice prevails this year and you will feel proud of your choices, knowing that they are the right ones for you. Many want to claim you on their team in December. In the spring you deepen your understanding of the way things work and are therefore able to turn the rules to your advantage. Leo and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 31, 34, 45 and 27.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re inspired to do the unexpected – even you can’t predict your next move. You’ll delight in playing with people’s expectations. The evening brings jovial social interaction.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re up for playing games, though your spirit of competition is muted – you don’t care if you win or lose as long as you connect with others. Relationship building is the most important endeavor of the day.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Promoting harmony requires effort, so if feels like work you’re probably doing something ineffective. Create a peaceful mind within yourself. Cranky people just need to be left alone.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). People around you may talk about problems, but this is not because they want you to fix anything. They need your listening ear and loving attention. Once they get it, they’ll find their own solutions.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). One way to contribute to the well-being of others is to make sure you are having a good time. So give yourself permission to relax – in fact, make it your No. 1 priority.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It’s easy to get overwhelmed. Prevent this by keeping your demands of yourself extremely dimple. You’ll be most productive when you concentrate on three well-defined and small goals for the day.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Everything is linked together for a purpose, though trying to figure out what that purpose might is one of the more futile uses for your energy today. Don’t think too much. Trade thinking for believing.
‘TIS THE SEASON OF SAGITTARIUS: The week of Thanksgiving is noted for being one of the biggest travel times of the year and it all happens under the guidance of the Sagittarius sun. Sagittarius is associated with travel, forging into unknown territory and embracing the style and culture one learns on these foreign encounters. Sometimes one doesn’t have to go far to enter a new world. The next-door neighbor does things differently than you do, and being curious about those differences is what Sagittarius is about – expanding your personal realm by understanding others. This week features Mercury and Mars also in Sagittarius, so the spirit of adventure is particularly strong. Despite the economy, people will go to great measures to be together. Jupiter is the big daddy associated with all things Sagittarius and his motto is simple: “More, bigger, better.” It’s easy to see Jupiter’s motto at work this time of year as the airports fill up, the holiday displays in windows impress and the most popular shopping day of the year, Black Friday, starts the holiday madness. Temperance is near impossible, although the damage can be controlled with a measure of pre-emptive mindfulness. Have a plan. And when some of your rules get stretched or broken, go easy on yourself and others.
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