Tik tak tik tak, its almost 9pm and I was still in bed. I hurriedly woke up and prepared myself to work. I even didnt take my dinner but I did take a bath to have a fresh look. When I was ready, I swiftly walked to the terminal of the jeepney just like a walkathon contestant in an Olympic. My home is far from the city proper so i must be hurry. I was worried at that time for I will be late again in my work. The company did give me a warning about tardiness before and I want to change that bad habit of mine and to prove to the company the worth that i have. While waiting for the jeepney, I constantly looked up to my cellphone what time it is. There were silence in the place, only chirping of the insects i could hear. Obviously there were no jeepney passing by nor jeepney that is standby to pick up passengers. That makes me more worried. Atlast, a light where shining at the road and hoping it was a jeepney. Sad to say it wasnt a passenger jeepney but a private car. To my surprised, it stopped right infront of me and someone called my attention, "Miss, where you going? Come on hitch a ride". Did he call me Miss? Hmmmm, i heard it right, my hearing sense is not that old compared to my age, winks! But no second thoughts i said yes to the offer and i hurriedly hopped in to there car. I took the chance because i was thinking what will be my punishment this time if i will be late. So, its now or never, all or nothing, whatever! haha... I was wondering why they called me Miss. Do i look like a girl? Well, maybe because of my long hair. I let my hair grow for almost a year and 3 months now. Im kinda lazy to go to a nearest barber shop or a salon. Perhaps, budget is also one factor, haha, kinda stingy though. When i arrived, i stepped out of the car and said thank you to the 2 guys in a manly voice. To there surprise, they thought im a girl and not a guy and one of the reasons why they let me hitch a ride. Lucky me. Whatever the reasons they have, I dont care as long as I hitched a ride for free, thats a blessing in disguise from God. Thanks to the two cute guys, because of them I wasnt late. I told my officemates about it and they laughed. They even gave me "what if" stories, what if i was rape, lol or those two were criminals or bank robbers, etc... The experience I had only implies that we should grab any opportunity that comes along the way, seize it before its gone.
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