The Virgo moon nudges us to get it together in terms of health. It’s not just about fitness or nutrition, though; it’s about harmonizing our body, mind and spirit. Improvements in any one area will favorably affect the others. Instead of resolving to make a big change, take action in some small way. Efforts of any size are rewarded.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). People repeat to you the silent things you have said to yourself. Hearing the words out loud helps you become aware of the powerful messages you generate in your head. You are growing in awareness daily.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you ignore your more inappropriate feelings, will they disappear? It’s worth a try. After all, it’s easy for you to attain another state of mind by focusing on what makes you feel friendly, cheerful and loving.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re generous and have fun sharing so long as you’re in control. A person who hones in on your territory and attempts to guilt you into making your resources available must be managed, not indulged.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You are more productive when your environment is ordered and your schedule is cut down to a manageable size. Taking the time to get organized is crucial to the development of a project.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You set the tone for handling situations that are unfamiliar or challenging in other ways. Others look to you for cues about how to act. With this in mind you remain patient, calm and compassionate.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (NOV. 27). You express your thoughts and ambitions in such a captivating way that you may be asked to share in a public forum. Your professional life benefits in January as you are able to establish more firmly your status as an expert. Love deepens through common interests in June. Many find you fascinating, Cancer and Aries especially. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 2, 10, 44 and 14.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your work is important, your service valuable. Remind yourself of this before you negotiate your price. Tonight, you take care of a loved one and the gentle kindness will later be returned.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). A request that you deem reasonable is nonetheless extremely difficult for someone to deliver on. It’s probably a case of mismatched supply and demand. Stay upbeat while you politely pass, in favor of shopping around.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 19). You have a growing interest in the opinions of others and will flatter someone with your astute questions. You don’t even feel the need to give your own opinion, as you are content to listen and learn – a rare and lovely quality.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The action heats up between some of the friends in your circle. This gives you an opportunity to take the high road. As a fire sign, you recognize which words will be incendiary and you steer clear.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The wisdom inside you is directing you to do something that you perceive as difficult. This is actually the easier route, but it requires you to act differently than you usually would, so it seem like a stretch.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’re an original. You’re looking at the same scenery as everyone else, but you’re thinking something different about it than anyone before has ever thought.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The more light you pour on the situation, the less stress you feel. So information is your best stress reliever. Get the best expert advice you can find and wherever possible, go to the source.
ASTROLOGICAL QUESTIONS: “What can you tell me about someone I met online whose birthday is 4/29/1979? I haven’t seen him in person yet and want to know what to expect.”
He’s ruled by a Taurus sun and is sensual, luxury loving and a bit choosy. Taurus people are steadfast in their convictions and have the wherewithal to stick with relationships and goals through good times and adversity. On the down side, sometimes they don’t know when to quit. They can hold on to opinions and behaviors that don’t serve them well and are stubborn. This guy is also sharp. He has a Gemini moon, indicating mental quickness. Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Aries. He’s energetic, driven and can be highly competitive. Now that you have an overview of this dynamic character, do remember the basics of online dating. Provide your own transportation and meet in a public place. Make sure that a friend knows where you are and whom you are meeting. Do not share too much personal information about yourself on a first meeting. And most importantly, absolutely never have a person you don’t know pick you up at your house.