Sticky Media Solutions Inc., a company who outsource information technology and business process – copy and content writing, web design, programming and systems development, where I work as an Outsource Link Specialist held its seminar last Saturday, July 8, 2006 at around 3pm. Again, I am late, but only 20 minutes and I guess the admin staff understand since I am on the graveyard shift. When I arrived, Mr. Garrido, one of our bosses was delivering the vision and mission of the company. It was a dramatic entrance wherein all of my officemates starred at me and smiled, wondering why I was late. I learned a lot from the said activity. After that, we all went to the office since the seminar was held at CafĂ© Verandah of the Cagayan River View Hotel. I waited about 50 minutes for Jamel (a friend of mine) because we decided to watch a movie, make some grocery and have a dinner. But since he didn’t come around, I went to the mall alone and bought ingredients for spaghetti. My one and only nephew, Vincent had his birthday last July 9. He just turned 4 years old. His birthday was held in our house prior to the request of my mother and my father. I only have 30 minutes left in the grocery since it will be close at 9pm. I was so pressured. Go go go Wayne. When I was at the counter, I saw one of my officemates (Clyde); I called him and asked who's with him? Why is he here? Why he didn't tell me he will be at the mall at that time so that he could accompany me than waiting for my other friend (Jamel) who has no word of honor. Well, he has a problem. As a friend, I comforted him and gave some advices, which is my role and obligation as his friend. I am my friend’s councilor, when they have problems they open it up to me. When my friends are having misunderstanding with each other, I put myself in-between and not be bias of who’s who to blame and fault. After having a grocery, I went back to the office and work. At around 12mn, Wheng, Clyde's friend who happens to be my friend too texted me that he is in our city and wants to have some fun. I told Clyde about it but he is not in the mood to go hangout and besides he is not feeling well. So I made an excuse to my boss and met Wheng. I decided to hang out with him for 2 hours then I will go back to work, just to hang out, have fun, and entertain my friend who lives in a nearby city. We ate; we went to a bar and have some beer. At last, I have been to this place I am so curious about. Thanks to Wheng. Well, we just visited a bar with strippers, winks. Tik, tak, tik, tak, It was past 2 am, I wanted to go back to the office but I am having fun, hehe. So I decided to extend my time. That was my first experience and you know first is the most enjoyable, memorable, and unforgettable. The bar closes at 3am but Wayne and Wheng are still having fun and not contented with the night. So we decided to go somewhere else and enjoy the moment. We went to Park Cafe, open almost 24 hours situated in the heart of Cagayan de Oro City. It has a cozy ambiance, cool people, hospitable staffs, and good food. We talked almost everything from family, friends, work, and love life, winks. And were tired afterwards. I drank 5 bottles of beer. We walked for a long distance just talking, hehe. We laugh, shout, and even cried (just kidding), well, we also have serious topics discussed. I went back to the office 30 minutes before my off time. When I arrived at the office Clyde was sleeping. When he woke up, I told him everything, the fun me and Wheng had. He wished he was there but he is no feeling well at that time and decided to take a rest at the office (sorry Clyde, better luck next time, lol).
I was home at around 7:45 am. When arrived, I saw my nephew wide-awake. Maybe he is waiting for the spaghetti and me. I greeted him and kissed him. We do play most of the time when he visits us. My nephew is having fun playing with me; maybe I still have this kid in me. Aside from that, I’m the youngest in the family so maybe I am longing for a small brother, hehehe. I love my nephew so much. He is so cute, very innocent, an angel in disguise for me. Whenever I have a problem he will just come near me and talk nonsense things that make me smile. At around 9am people are getting busy preparing for the foods and cleaning the house since some of my aunts will be coming over. While they are busy, I went to my bed to sleep. When I woke up, my aunts where there 4 of them. We don’t have much visitor since the foods served were limited. So I ate, I was so full and play with my nephew. In a while I felt sleepy again, so I sleep, winks. Sleeping is my favorite hobby. When I woke up, the place was so dark and silence was surrounding the place. Without knowing it was 3 in the morning, hahaha, as what I have said I love sleeping. So slumber land again, winks! Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew VINCENT! Wish you become a better person when you grow old. Always remember that one of the most powerful forces in the world is the will of the man who believes in himself, who dares to aim high, to go confidently after the things he wants from life.