Podcasts yield high return on investment (ROI) for businesses according to iBlogmarketing, which is releasing a two part blog series on business podcasts. Podcasting offers businesses a new and highly effective way to communicate with their target market, providing a high return on investment.
Podcasts yield high return on investment (ROI) for businesses, according to www.iBlogMarketing.com. Podcasting offers a new and effective way for businesses to communicate with their target market that also provides a high return on investment. Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio programs or videos, over the Internet for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. It has become one of the fastest growing media of all time. eMarketer.com reported that almost 22 million U.S. Internet users are listening to podcasts and predicts that the number of U.S. listeners will nearly double by 2013.
iBlogMarketing.com recommends businesses consider adding podcasts to their promotional marketing plans, offering two ways for them to reach their target markets with podcasts; either sponsoring a relevant podcast or by creating their own PodfomercialSM (i.e. a podcast infomercial). By allowing the listener or viewer to tune in to the show when they want, where they want, and how they want, podcasts can be used as a form of pull advertising. Because these people are taking the time to seek out and download podcasts, they provide qualified audiences already interested in the business or product and are therefore capable of offering a very high ROI for businesses.
Lou Del Monte, President of TMA E-Marketing, offers this advice to businesses interested in podcasting, "A podcast is a lot like a Website. It doesn't matter how great it is if it isn't found in the search engines. The first step in being able to monetize a podcast is assuring it is found by your target market."
For more information on business podcasting and tips from Lou Del Monte on monetizing your business podcast, visit iblogmarketing.com for access to the full blog series scheduled to post according to the following schedule:
May 11, 2009 - Part 1: What are business podcasts?
May 18, 2009 - Part 2: How can businesses monetize business podcasts?
iBlogMarketing.com is owned and operated by TMA E-Marketing (www.tmaemarketing.com), one of the leading providers of Internet marketing services in the US. TMA E-Marketing is recognized as a leader in developing and applying cutting-edge online technologies and offers clients "one stop shopping" for all their Internet marketing and advertising needs. TMA E-Marketing owns and operates some of the most important properties on the Internet, including the number one business blog directory (www.iBlogBusiness.com) and number one business podcast directory (www.iBizRadio.com) in the world.
Podcasts yield high return on investment (ROI) for businesses, according to www.iBlogMarketing.com. Podcasting offers a new and effective way for businesses to communicate with their target market that also provides a high return on investment. Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio programs or videos, over the Internet for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. It has become one of the fastest growing media of all time. eMarketer.com reported that almost 22 million U.S. Internet users are listening to podcasts and predicts that the number of U.S. listeners will nearly double by 2013.
iBlogMarketing.com recommends businesses consider adding podcasts to their promotional marketing plans, offering two ways for them to reach their target markets with podcasts; either sponsoring a relevant podcast or by creating their own PodfomercialSM (i.e. a podcast infomercial). By allowing the listener or viewer to tune in to the show when they want, where they want, and how they want, podcasts can be used as a form of pull advertising. Because these people are taking the time to seek out and download podcasts, they provide qualified audiences already interested in the business or product and are therefore capable of offering a very high ROI for businesses.
Lou Del Monte, President of TMA E-Marketing, offers this advice to businesses interested in podcasting, "A podcast is a lot like a Website. It doesn't matter how great it is if it isn't found in the search engines. The first step in being able to monetize a podcast is assuring it is found by your target market."
For more information on business podcasting and tips from Lou Del Monte on monetizing your business podcast, visit iblogmarketing.com for access to the full blog series scheduled to post according to the following schedule:
May 11, 2009 - Part 1: What are business podcasts?
May 18, 2009 - Part 2: How can businesses monetize business podcasts?
iBlogMarketing.com is owned and operated by TMA E-Marketing (www.tmaemarketing.com), one of the leading providers of Internet marketing services in the US. TMA E-Marketing is recognized as a leader in developing and applying cutting-edge online technologies and offers clients "one stop shopping" for all their Internet marketing and advertising needs. TMA E-Marketing owns and operates some of the most important properties on the Internet, including the number one business blog directory (www.iBlogBusiness.com) and number one business podcast directory (www.iBizRadio.com) in the world.
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