Let's face it, sometimes a friendship turns into a sexual relationship, whether for one night only, or a few months. It might turn out that both parties want to go back to being friends. Is there a way to maintain the friendship after you have had sex with each other? Yes, it is possible, but it requires work and these little bits of advice. Don't worry, apply these steps on how to maintain a friendship after sex, and then see where you are at in your friendship.
Talk to each other immediately after you have decided to stop having sex. Start to act like you used to before the romantic involvement was there. If you are really close, then ask each other how the other person is feeling about stopping the sexual involvement.
Be careful when it comes to dating other people right away. Although you may not love each other in 'that' way, one of you might have feelings that get hurt when the other rushes off immediately into a sexual relationship with someone else. Be kind and respect each other.
Continue to spend time together, but always include other friends so that you don't get into an awkward and intimate situation. Socialize and enjoy everyone. Turn your focus to building other friendships, but continue with your friendship with each other, if that's what you both want.
Maintain your regular schedule and keep going on with your lives. It's alright to do things together, but avoid getting together every day. You will only be tempted to have sex with each other. This is hurtful if one of you wants to continue the intimate relationship, while the other wants a platonic friendship.
Plan activities with each other like going to events. Do things together that do not fall into the dating category like movies, dinner and drinks.
is this that thing some call friends with benefits? tnx for the advise but no thanks, i don't usually have sex wth a friend. hehehe.
yes dude this is called friends with benefits...but it depends also...after u have some with friend im not really sure if ur going to have the same kind of feeling before you have sex with your friend.....
true, but make sure to be open to whatever comes next